Post by reefwood on Apr 16, 2010 16:43:52 GMT -5
Wow, yeah, I did not realize you had so many spells. I also did not realize that I could post a file here. I've attached Loyal Steed II. Couple more prep questions: 1. Obviously Sir Grolton does not need a mount. Would taking a second horse as a combatant be something that people of the era would have done? considered cruel? Would they be willing to supply him with two riding dogs instead (the same value, 2x150gp rather than 300gp) 2. Similar question regarding armor. Dog chain mail costs exactly half horse chain mail. 3. My dogs have a speed of 40 ft. Can they be loaded up onto a horse? 4. I memorized Summon Nature's Ally twice the last night (one used already). In hindsight, this is a spell I can spontaneously cast, so memorizing it is something my Sir Grolton would never do. Can I swap that out for Cure Moderate Wounds instead? 5. One of my dogs is down to 2/13 hp(I believe). Assuming that I can take the dogs on the trip without them slowing us down, I would use scrolls of CLW to heal him. 1. The horses are provided to get you there fast, and that's really it. Anyone with a mount could switch it out for a mission horse but can't get both. Nor can a mission item be switched for other items. Another example besides Sir Grolton is...if someone could move as fast as a horse, they wouldn't need the horse for speed but could still take one, especially so they wouldn't get fatigued from moving all day. But if they weren't even going to ride the horse, they wouldn't receive one. 2. Not seeing the question here. 3. A Small dog could be transported on a horse, but not a Medium riding dog. Also, I imagine a day of bumpy riding would not make for a happy puppy. The dog might be treated as shaken or something during the ride and maybe an hour afterward. Would need to think on this some more. Although, I'd say that over time, a dog could be trained with a trick to get used to riding a horse, so it no longer incurs penalties, but right now the army doesn't have any horse-riding dogs. Additionally, a dog wouldn't be able to just hang onto a horse all day. It could either be tucked in front of the rider who is keeping it in place with his body (-2 Ride checks) or tied snug to the back of the saddle (which means it would be stuck on the horse until released with a standard action). Only one dog per position, so up to two dogs per horse. 4. That makes sense and works fine. Go ahead and change that spell. 5. Sure. Just let me know and be sure to mark it off. And thanks for the Loyal Steed sheet!
Post by reefwood on Apr 16, 2010 17:02:07 GMT -5
So, this won't really come up for a couple more sessions, but I just thought I'd throw this line of questions out there: I think the way to answer this is that Trample works just like Overrun, but it is not Overrun. Targets of a Trample would be knocked prone in the same way that it happens with an Overrun. However, I don't think Overrun feats would affect Trample. Also worth mentioning is...when damage it taken from an Attack of Opportunity that is provoked by a Combat Maneuver, "you take the damage normally and apply that amount as a penalty to the attack roll to perform the maneuver."EDIT: Hmmm...actually, maybe targets of a Trample can't be knocked prone because being knocked prone depends on the roll, and no roll is made for a Trample. EDIT #2: After getting some time to see how Trample plays out, I might be open down the road to homebrewing some sort of Improved Trample feat that allows the trampler to attempt to knock targets prone.
Post by reefwood on Apr 16, 2010 17:16:25 GMT -5
This seems to relate to whether you can knock opponents prone with a trample. If so, then Sir Grolton, the mount, and anybody else within range would get to attack, right? I'm curious if you are seeing something here that I am not? I don't see this feat refer to Trample in any way. All I see is that when the foe is knocked prone, an Attack of Opportunity is provoked (which is pretty awesome), but the knocking prone part can be done by a normal Overrun without feats. And yes, I would gather that everyone who threatens the foe gets an Attack of Opportunity - mount, rider, allies.
Post by icnivad on Apr 16, 2010 20:13:01 GMT -5
Thanks for the clarifications. Let me know about an improved trample feat (and maybe greater trample?). I think Loyal Steed III will be an elephant
Post by reefwood on Apr 17, 2010 17:30:33 GMT -5
Thanks for the clarifications. Let me know about an improved trample feat (and maybe greater trample?). I think Loyal Steed III will be an elephant When I mentioned this idea, I was actually pretty unsure on how to make a feat in a way that doesn't mess with the basic mechanics of the rule. For example, there is no roll made to Trample. It automatically hits. And yet, knocking a target prone is based on a roll. But this morning I thought of a way it might work: Anyway, these are just ideas. Let's see how trample plays out for a while and take it from there.
Post by icnivad on Apr 18, 2010 12:25:43 GMT -5
Yeah, I think those look pretty good. Using the save DC is a good idea.
Does Improved Trample make you not take an attack of opportunity the way that improved overrun does? Or is trample itself considered a "similar ability"
From Overrun: "If you do not have the Improved Overrun feat, or a similar ability, initiating an overrun provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver"
Also, I'm not sure that improved trample would help at all against being trampled. Since trampling is all about being large, and avoiding being trampled is all about being small.
Post by reefwood on Apr 18, 2010 15:44:06 GMT -5
Yeah, I think those look pretty good. Using the save DC is a good idea. Does Improved Trample make you not take an attack of opportunity the way that improved overrun does? Or is trample itself considered a "similar ability" From Overrun: "If you do not have the Improved Overrun feat, or a similar ability, initiating an overrun provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver" Also, I'm not sure that improved trample would help at all against being trampled. Since trampling is all about being large, and avoiding being trampled is all about being small. I decided not to change the attack of opportunity because a) it works so differently for Trample, and b) it is already so hampered to begin with (-4 penalty to attack and forgo Reflex save which means automatic full damage), and c) unlike Overrun (AoO damage is a penalty to the CMB roll), damage on an attack of opportunity does not hamper Trample. Plus Overrun has 1 target, but Trample could have numerous targets, so it would be removing several attacks instead of just one, even if they are crappy attacks. As for avoiding a Trample, size doesn't seem to matter, other than being big enough to not be trampled. It doesn't matter how small you are - Small or Tiny or smaller - you will still be trampled just as badly since size doesn't affect Reflex saves. Of course, if you are big enough to Trample others, I'm not sure how much chance there is of something bigger being around to Trample you, but it may come up.
Post by reefwood on Apr 19, 2010 13:44:54 GMT -5
Sahme Sweetwater
Most of this looks good, but here are the corrections.
6+5+2+4+2+6 = 25 +12 = 37 +6 = 43 +6 = 49 hp (current: 49 -2 = 47)
CMD involves a lot more than CMB.
CMD = 10 + Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + Dexterity modifier + special size modifier *A creature can also add any circumstance, deflection, dodge, insight, morale, profane, and sacred bonuses to AC to its CMD. Any penalties to a creature's AC also apply to its CMD. A flat-footed creature does not add its Dexterity bonus to its CMD.
CMD = 10 +3 BAB +3 Str +3 Dex +1 deflection +1 dodge = 21
So CMD is 21, or 17 when flat-footed... and both would be 1 less in the Rift when the magic deflection bonus is lost.
Feats look good, but you should note that using the Arcane Armor Training requires a swift action.
Spells look good, but in case you don't know, scorching ray is +1 ray/four levels above 3rd, so you get a second ray at 7th level.
Diplomacy adds up to 05. Also, the elixir of vision that provides a +10 to Perception only lasts for 1 hour, so it shouldn't figured into the normal bonus.
Now I have to run errands will try to look over Sahme's equipment later today.
Post by reefwood on Apr 19, 2010 17:48:23 GMT -5
Sahme Sweetwater (continued)
I noticed that acid arrow is listed in Combat & Active Equipment section but not on his spell list or equipment list.
These items total 2,700 gp, which is 200 gp over the limit, and 306 gp over the listed total.
Noticed you have a horse. You may customize its regular feat and skills, subject to DM discretion. The following are class skills for animals: Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, Perception, Stealth, and Swim. Though, Fly doesn't work with horses, and Climb would be fairly restricted. A horse could make a Climb check to go up a steep slope but not to use a ladder or go up a vertical wall.
If the wand has a material component cost, it is added to the base price and cost to create once for each charge.
Stoneskin has a material component of 250 gp, so each charge costs 420+250 = 670 gp per charge, and this puts Sahme over the limit of this equipment line.
Animate dead requires an onyx gem worth at least 25 gp per Hit Die of the undead. Since this cost changes based on the HD of the undead created, I will give you a couple options: A) embed the material component into the wand (i.e. +50 gp to create a 2 HD undead), or B) keep loose onyx on hand and use the amount needed when the wand is used. If embedded into the wand, this puts Sahme over the limit. If kept loose, Sahme can use income pool to obtain the onyx.
Scrying cast by an arcane spellcaster requires a small mirror worth 1,000 gp, but the arcane vs divine difference doesn't matter for wands, so I guess since magic items are based on the cheapest source available, it can have the divine druid source which only requires a pool of water to use. If the mirror was needed, income pool could have been used to obtain it.
Post by reefwood on Apr 20, 2010 13:28:17 GMT -5
Sir Grolton
The General, Skills, and Active Inventory tabs looks good.
Abilities Wild Empathy is up to +4.
Inactive Inventory I noticed that gold went from 6 to 45. I assume that increase is from 1 day on income pool but seems to be slightly off.
(Character level 5 x5gp) +13 Prof = 38 gp
6 gp + 38 gp = 44 gp.
It's only off by 1 gp, which I know is super minor, but I didn't know if that was human error or something off in the spreadsheet code, and if code, it might be good to fix now in case it becomes a bigger deal in the future.
Also, I'm a little bit lost as to how the amount of scrolls changed from 5th level to 6th level:
At 5th level, Grolton had 6 scrolls of obscuring mist and 0 scrolls of cure light wounds. Going into 6th level, he had no scrolls of obscuring mist and 4 scrolls of cure light wounds.
Did he really use up all the scrolls of obscuring mist in the Siege of Verdas and Taking the Tower? I know he created multiple mists. I'm just surprised it wound up being 6 times, so that may be correct, but I want to make sure you're not shorting yourself.
Gaining 4 scrolls of cure light wounds is no problem, but this gain is not listed in any of the reward lines, nor do any of the appropriate lines have enough gold limit to purchase these 100 gp worth of scrolls. What can be done is to apply the +250 gp limit to "Additional magic items" to increase that limit from 300 gp to 550 gp. Because it looks like the +250 gp limit was not applied to any limit, and this would give you an additional 150 gp for additional magic items even after those 4 scrolls.
Anyway, I'm just trying to double check how Grolton obtained the 4 scrolls of cure light wounds, and if I'm overlooking something, just let me know.
Spells Level 0 spells are listed as 3 per days, but it should be 4 per day.
Post by reefwood on Apr 20, 2010 16:57:38 GMT -5
Loyal Steed II
General A horse animal companion starts out with +4 natural armor. By the time a druid reaches 5th-level, there is a +2 natural armor bonus added to that, and this horse has the Improved Natural Armor feat for another +1, so that's a total of +7 natural armor.
AC 10 +4 armor +2 Dex +7 natural +1 dodge -1 size = AC 23 (20 flat-footed, 12 touch)
Also, the natural attacks are lined up incorrectly in terms of primary and secondary attacks. Natural attacks work differently in Pathfinder. A bite is classified as a primary attack, and a hoof is classified as a secondary attack. It usually doesn't matter how many natural attacks are made in a full-attack; all the primary attacks (full BAB & full Str for damage) are treated as such and the same goes for secondary (BAB -5 & half Str for damage). If a manufactured weapon is used in a full-attack with natural attacks, the weapon is treated as a primary attack and all natural weapons are treated as secondary attacks (even if they normally are primary attacks).
Of course, there are exceptions, which are usually stated in the creature entry, but the horse is a bit fuzzy. The rules say, "Unless specifically trained for combat (see the Handle Animal skill), a horse's hooves are treated as secondary attacks." It seems like an odd thing to note because hooves are normally treated as secondary attacks to begin with. Therefore, while oddly worded, it makes me think that hooves for combat trained horses are treated as primary attacks as an exception to the rule. Loyal Steed II has that part right. But his bite is being treated as a secondary attack, and I'm pretty sure it should also be treated as a primary attack.
And Sir Grolton has armor spikes listed under the Rewards purchased, and I believe those are for the horse but are not listed on the horse sheet.
Skills It looks like Acrobatics should be +6 instead of +8.
3 ranks +3 trained +2 Dex -2 armor check penalty = +6
Inactive Inventory Noticed that Grolton still has a regular military saddle and has not upgraded to an exotic military saddle for vertical/upside down riding. Although, the upgrade would also add 10 lbs and increase Loyal Steed II's load to medium.
Everything else looks good!
Post by icnivad on Apr 23, 2010 22:10:55 GMT -5
Thanks. I had the scrolls listed on my character sheet from the end of the last game. Did I change my purchase right before the battle? I can't recall exactly where they came from, or what happened to the obscuring mist ones, but I didn't buy any scrolls this round.
I thought the +250gp was only for new characters, and not for returning ones. I might have to rethink some of his purchases with this in mind.
I'll take a look at the rest and make the appropriate adjustments. Looking forward to Tuesday.
Post by reefwood on Apr 23, 2010 22:45:05 GMT -5
Thanks. I had the scrolls listed on my character sheet from the end of the last game. Did I change my purchase right before the battle? I can't recall exactly where they came from, or what happened to the obscuring mist ones, but I didn't buy any scrolls this round. I thought the +250gp was only for new characters, and not for returning ones. I might have to rethink some of his purchases with this in mind. I'll take a look at the rest and make the appropriate adjustments. Looking forward to Tuesday. Different package types received different limit boosters. The one you asked about earlier was for new characters, but I may have failed to mention there was one in the reward packages. Or maybe I hadn't even made the reward packages yet? But yeah, you can boost one limit. Another thing to keep in mind about the equipment you decide to take on this mission is that mounts will most likely be operating at Str -2 due to fatigue for at least part of the ride, so that will lower their Load, and it has to be kept at Light for this mission. Of course, players can always take a gamble that their mount will succeed on all 6+ saves through the Rift, and if they don't, opt to drop equipment as needed. Also, an alternative to the rider dropping equipment would be to drop barding or go without it from the start.
Post by icnivad on Apr 25, 2010 14:51:03 GMT -5
I just looked at Sir Grolton's L5 character sheet and there were 6 scrolls of cure light wounds and 6 scrolls of obscuring mist. I must have used two scrolls of CLW and all 6 of the mists.
Post by Rabbit on Apr 27, 2010 12:01:36 GMT -5
I dropped a elixer of perception to cover the costs of the stone skin components and bought 50 gp worth of onyx with my income pool.
All the other corrections were done.
updated character sheet attached.